Tuesday, June 27, 2023

US Security Services Trying To Recruit Russian Diplomats In UN

US security services are trying to recruit Russian diplomats working in Russia's Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Deputy Permanent Representative Maria Zabolotskaya said at a committee meeting.

 "The updated information presented by us indicates that the US keeps purposefully applying an entire range of measures and restrictions to our Permanent Mission and its employees aimed at reducing the effectiveness of our interaction with the UN, but moreover, at the provision of psychological pressure on Russian diplomats," Zabolotskaya said.

"How else to explain more and more intrusive recruiting approaches by local security services who approach employees on the street and at the airport," she said.

Zabolotskaya said contextual advertising is used in social networks, search engines and at video hosting sites, for example YouTube, to demonstrate calls to cooperate with the FBI.

1 comment:

  1. Американские спецслужбы все более навязчиво пытаются вербовать дипломатов, работающих в постпредстве РФ при ООН.
    Об этом заявила зампостпреда Мария Заболоцкая. По ее словам, для показа призывов сотрудничать с ФБР используется контекстная реклама в соцсетях, поисковых системах и видеохостингах, включая Youtube.


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