Monday, June 26, 2023

Washington, EU, West Media Expected More Bloodshed from Wagner Mutiny

The US expected more resistance to the coup attempt by the Wagner private military company as Evgeny Prigozhin advanced on Moscow, a source has told CNN, predicting that the aborted insurrection would be “a lot more bloody than it was”.
The intelligence community in Washington claims to have had advance information about Prigozhin’s actions, according to reports in the US media, and also believed it would result in greater bloodshed.

“I do know that we assessed it was going to be a great deal more violent and bloody,” the source told CNN.


  1. The PMC Wagner Center on Zolnaya Street in St. Petersburg continues to operate as usual.

    "Despite the recent events, the center continues to work in a regular mode in accordance with Russian legislation," the center said on its Telegram channel.

    The PMC Wagner Center is a compound of buildings that provides free accommodation for inventors, designers, IT specialists, experimental production and startup spaces. The center's mission is described as providing a comfortable environment for generating new ideas to improve Russia's defense capabilities, including those in the IT field.

  2. Russia's security services are already investigating whether Western intelligence agencies were involved in the events of June 24, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RT television on Monday.

    "I work in a government ministry that is not engaged in gathering evidence of unlawful acts being committed, but we do have such agencies and, I assure you, they are already looking into it," Lavrov said, when asked if there was evidence indicating that either Ukrainian intelligence services or their Western counterparts were in any way involved in the attempted armed insurrection on June 24.

  3. Western media apparently indulged in "wishful thinking," covering the events around the situation with the mutiny by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of private military company (PMC) Wagner, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

    Lavrov referred to CNN reports claiming that that the US had allegedly been informed in advance of Prigozhin's upcoming rebellion but decided not to tell anyone about it.

    "This was probably wishful thinking, there is such a way to convey what our Western colleagues experienced yesterday and Saturday evening. I got acquainted with how events in Russia are covered," Lavrov said

  4. Посол Соединенных Штатов Америки в Российской Федерации Линн Трейси передавала сигналы российским представителям о том, что американские власти не имеют отношения к попытке вооруженного мятежа. Об этом заявил глава Министерства иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров.

    «Сигналы эти, наверное, не секретные, они заключались прежде всего в том, что США тут ни при чем, что Соединенные Штаты очень надеются, что ядерное оружие будет в порядке, что американские дипломаты не пострадают», - сказал он

  5. Many heads of foreign diplomatic missions called to express solidarity with Moscow in the wake of the events of June 24, but some asked that Moscow refrain from making public mention of their calls, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

    "Russian President [Vladimir] Putin received numerous telephone calls on that day from colleagues who wished to express their solidarity and support, and their confidence that the situation would be [brought] under control and would be [brought] back within the constitutional framework. And, in fact, this is exactly how things turned out," Lavrov said

  6. Российские спецслужбы уже разбираются, были ли замешаны украинские или западные разведслужбы к мятежу Евгения Пригожина в минувшую субботу, заявил министр иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров.

    "Я работаю в ведомстве, которое не занимается сбором доказательств о совершаемых противоправных действиях, но у нас есть такие структуры, и уверяю вас, они уже в этом разбираются", - сказал Лавров в интервью RT, отвечая на вопрос, есть ли доказательства того, что ни украинские, ни западные разведслужбы не были замешаны в субботних событиях.

  7. Russian President Vladimir Putin has thanked servicemen, members of law enforcement and special services as well as heroic pilots who stood in the mutineers’ way.

    "I am grateful to all our servicemen, members of law enforcement and special services who stood up against the mutineers. They remained true to their duty, oath and nation. The courage and self-sacrifice of the fallen heroic pilots kept Russia safe from tragic destructive consequences," the Russian leader said in his video address on Monday.


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