Sunday, July 2, 2023

Dmitry Medvedev warns of the possibility of a nuclear apocalypse but there is a second way to resolve this total confrontation

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in the article called one of the ways to resolve the confrontation in the world a third world war in which there will be no winners, noting that a nuclear apocalypse is not only possible, but also probable.

"One of the ways to resolve it (confrontation) is a third world war. But it is obviously bad, because the winners are not guaranteed further prosperity, as was the case after previous world wars. Most likely, there will simply be no winners," Medvedev wrote. in an article published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

He stressed that it is impossible to consider as a victory the world in which nuclear winter has come, when million-plus cities lie in ruins, where there is no electricity due to the transcendent electromagnetic impulse, and a huge number of people died from the shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination, where terrible epidemics and famine reign.

“And here I will note one thing that politicians of all stripes do not like to admit: such an Apocalypse is not only possible, but also quite probable,” the deputy chairman of the Security Council noted. 

 "The second way to resolve this total confrontation is to search for the most difficult compromises over a long period of time," Medvedev wrote.
According to him, it is necessary to form a new respectful world order, which will be based on a balance of interests of all countries.


  1. The reasons for Kiev's indignation at not joining NATO while Ukraine is in a state of conflict are obvious - Russia has not been broken, the anti-Russian front has failed, the finale is already very close, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, wrote in his article published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

  2. The world is now in a confrontation much worse than during the Caribbean crisis, since Western adversaries decided to really defeat the largest nuclear power - Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, said in an article.

  3. The UN and other international organizations are likely to need a rebuild to remain effective, Russian Security Council deputy chairman Dmitry Medvedev said in an article.

    "It is likely that a careful reassembly of the UN and other international organizations will be required. It is possible only with full respect for the rights of the permanent members of the Security Council, otherwise it will turn out to be completely ineffective. And then the UN will sink into oblivion as an institution that has not justified the hopes of free peoples," he wrote. in an article for Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

  4. Конфликт на Украине отражает тотальное противостояние коллективного Запада и всего остального мира. Такое мнение выразил зампредседателя Совета безопасности РФ Дмитрий Медведев 2 июля в статье для «Российской газеты».

    «То, что сейчас происходит на Украине и в Донбассе, — это не просто «региональный конфликт», а нечто совсем иное. Это тотальное противостояние условного коллективного Запада и всего остального мира», — написал он.

    По его словам, противостояние вызвано «диаметральной противоположностью взглядов на дальнейшее развитие человечества». Он добавил, что идеологические противники России в шаге от утраты глобального доминирования, поэтому Запад пытается нагнетать страх, при этом они сами находятся в ужасе.

  5. Замглавы Совета Безопасности подчеркнул, что выйти на путь компромисса со странами коллективного Запада все-таки возможно. Однако для этого необходимо будет оформить новый международный документ.

  6. Новое "дегенеративное поколение западных политиков" не отдает себе отчет в том, что они творят, и похоже, они забыли, какими будут ответные действия РФ, если провокации зайдут слишком далеко, заявил в статье замруководителя Совбеза РФ Дмитрий Медведев.

  7. The way out of the current global crisis is though compromises and the formation of a new world order which takes into account interests of all countries, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev wrote in an article for the Rossiyskaya Gazeta daily on Sunday.

    According to Medvedev, there is a confrontation between the collective West and the rest of the world. In his words, one of the ways the situation may develop in the future is a third world war.

    "Another way to resolve this total contradiction is to find the most difficult compromises for a long period. To form a new respect-based world order, which will rest on the balance of the interests of all countries. And, naturally, it is not the notorious rule-based order, which can only induce a vomiting reflex in any country independent from the United States," he noted.


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