Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Ukraine became good testing ground for Western weapons

The hostilities in Ukraine allowed Western allies to test their weapons in a direct clash with Russian ones, Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov told the Financial Times.
He noted that Kiev’s Western allies "can actually see if their weapons work, how efficiently they work and if they need to be upgraded."

"For the military industry of the world, you can’t invent a better testing ground," Reznikov sad.

He stated that this process is being carefully monitored by all interested sides, including India and China, as well as countries that buy weapons from Russia.

1 comment:

  1. Читателей газеты Financial Times возмутили заявления министра обороны Украины Алексея Резникова об использовании Украины в качестве испытательного полигона для западных видов вооружений.
    Многие комментаторы заметили, что подобные "испытания" ведут лишь к гибели людей и никак не приближают конец вооруженного конфликта.


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