Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Air attacks against Ukraine’s western Lviv city

The western Ukrainian city of Lviv was rocked by early morning explosions as air defences engaged in stopping waves of Russian air attacks, local officials said.
The city’s mayor, Andriy Sadoviy, wrote on the Telegram messaging app early on Tuesday that “air defences are operating in our region”, and warned residents to seek shelter.

1 comment:

  1. Во Львове прогремели взрывы, говорится в публикации "Украинской правды" со ссылкой на главу областной военной администрации Максима Козицкого.
    "В части Львова громко. Не называем локаций. Ничего не фотографируем и не снимаем! Информационная тишина", — заявил Козицкий.


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