Wednesday, September 20, 2023

EU seeks to admit ‘Nazis out of turn’ but Serbia, Turkey have to wait for years — Lavrov

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell suggests that Ukraine join the European Union in a fast-track manner, whereas Serbia and Turkey have been holding negotiations on joining it for decades, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine.

"Calls can be now heard from Brussels to expand the EU membership as soon as possible, including, in particular, the Balkan nations. However, the main pathos is neither about Serbia nor Turkey, who have been holding hopeless negations on admission for decades, but about Ukraine," he said.

"Claiming to be the ideologist of European integration, Borrell did not hesitate recently to announce that the Kiev regime should be allowed to join the EU as soon as possible. If it were not for the war, it would have taken years, but it could and must be done without any criteria. Serbia, Turkey and other will have to wait but we will allow the Nazis to join the European Union out of turn," Lavrov said.

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