Sunday, September 3, 2023

North Korea Conducts Drill Simulating Tactical Nuclear Attack - State Media

North Korea conducted a drill with a simulated tactical nuclear strike on September 2 in response to joint military exercise by the US and South Korea, Pyongyang-run news agency reported on Sunday.

On Saturday, South Korea's news agency reported that North Korea had fired several cruise missiles into the Yellow Sea.

 "A firing drill for simulated tactical nuclear attack was conducted at dawn of September 2 ... The missile sub-unit involved in the drill fired the long-range strategic cruise missiles toward the West Sea of Korea [in the Yellow Sea] from the mouth of the River Chongchon," the state news agency of North Korea said, adding that the drill was held in response to "a joint guided missile firing and aerial bombing drill" held by the US and South Korea. 

As many as two long-range strategic cruise missiles tipped with mock nuclear warheads were fired, with each of them flying some 1,500 kilometers (932 miles) for 7,672 and 7,681 seconds, respectively, and exploding afterward at an altitude of 150 meters above the "target island," the news agency also stated.

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