Saturday, September 30, 2023

Romania Asks to Buy Out Moldova's Only River Port

Romania plans to buy from Moldova the Giurgiulesti International Free Port on the Danube River to create a hub for Ukrainian grain supplies to the European Union, Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Friday.

The Port of Giurgiulesti is located in southern Moldova, 133.8 kilometers (83 miles) from the Black Sea, at the Danube River's confluence with the Prut river. The port terminal was constructed in 2006, after Ukraine acceded to Romania 430 meters (1,410 feet) of the Danube and Prut banks. 

In 2021, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) purchased 100% of shares in the Danube Logistics company, which managed the port. The EBRD has invested 1.4 billion euros ($1.47 billion) in Moldova as of today, becoming its largest investor.

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