Sunday, September 10, 2023

Syrian, Russian Forces Eliminate 111 Takfiri Terrorists (ISIS) in Joint Idlib Strikes

Syrian and Russian forces successfully targeted terrorist strongholds in Syria's northwestern Idlib province in a coordinated operation, resulting in the deaths of at least 111 foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists and injuries to 80 others.

The Syrian Ministry of Defense issued a statement on Saturday, saying that these precise and intensive operations were undertaken in response to the continuous violations committed by terrorist groups in the southern outskirts of Idlib.

 "The armed terrorist organizations supported by some regional and international parties continue in launching repeated attacks on safe villages and towns and sites and positions of the Syrian Arab Army adjacent to the de-escalation zones in the Idlib and Hama countryside, so Syrian-Russian forces carried out qualitative operations in the aforementioned sites," the statement highlighted.

These operations involved heavy strikes on terrorist headquarters, fortifications, and ammunition depots, utilizing various firepower resources such as artillery and multiple missile systems, effectively incapacitating their capabilities.

Numerous terrorist strongholds, operation rooms, and warehouses were obliterated during the operation. The majority of the terrorists eliminated were affiliated with the Ansar al-Tawhid Takfiri militant group.

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