Friday, September 29, 2023

Ukraine Coordinates With Western Sponsors Plans for New Offensive, Seizure of Nuclear Plant

The regime in Kiev has fiworked out a plan for a major offensive in the Kherson and Zaporozhye region, and has already secured the approval of Ukraine's US and UK sponsors for this plan, a source told Sputnik.

A large force of Ukrainian marines has been assembled in the Nikolayev Region in order to cross the Dnepr River during the opening stages of this offensive, and it appears that the Ukrainian forces also set their sights on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant.

 "Special forces units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' Special Operations Center, trained by British instructors, also intend to seize control of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant," the source said.

Describing Kiev's plan as "yet another gamble by Zelensky who tries to prove his competence at any cost," the source warned that this Ukrainian offensive may lead to "tragic consequences."
"We continue to carefully monitor the enemy's actions," they added.


  1. El presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, acuerda con sus patrocinadores de EEUU y Reino Unido una nueva ofensiva a principios de octubre en dirección a Jersón y Zaporozhie. Así lo declaró a la prensa una fuente próxima a las autoridades competentes.
    "Con este fin, un gran grupo de infantes de Marina de las fuerzas ucranianas se ha concentrado en la región de Mykoláiv para reforzar el río Dniéper. Al mismo tiempo, las fuerzas de operaciones especiales de Ucrania, entrenadas por instructores británicos, están planeando acciones para apoderarse de la central nuclear de Zaporozhie", dijo el interlocutor.

  2. Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский согласовал с кураторами из США и Великобритании план нового наступления и захват ЗАЭС, сообщил журналистам близкий к компетентным органам источник.
    "В этих целях в Николаевской области сосредоточена крупная группировка морской пехоты ВСУ для форсирования реки Днепр. Одновременно спецназом сил специальных операций ВСУ, прошедшим подготовку у британских инструкторов, планируются действия по захвату Запорожской АЭС", — рассказал собеседник агентства.

  3. Russian forces are delivering preemptive strikes on targets on the western bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson Region so as to complicate the Ukrainian armed forces’ preparations for crossing the river and advancing, the chairman of the We Are Together with Russia movement, Vladimir Rogov, told TASS.

    Rogov commented on reports that the Ukrainian military was plotting an offensive in the Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions in early October.

    "Regarding the Kherson area, it is exactly for this purpose that now our missile strikes and aircraft are being engaged," he said, adding that the strikes are continually targeting Berislav and Kazatsky on the other bank, opposite Novaya Kakhovka.

    "This is the work aimed at preventing the enemy’s attempts to mount an offensive, to cross the Dnieper and to redeploy their reinforcements, along with other actions," Rogov said.


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