Monday, November 13, 2023

Al Mayadeen: US troops killed after missile attack on base in Syria

A missile attack on a US military base in eastern Syria killed American troops. Al Mayadeen TV channel reported this.
    “Among the American military there are those killed as a result of a missile attack on the Koniko base in eastern Syria,” the TV channel said.

The exact number of military deaths has not been announced; there has been no official confirmation from the Pentagon yet. The attacked base is located in the Koniko oil field in Deir ez-Zor province. As previously reported, 15 missiles were fired at it.


  1. Иракские вооруженные группировки заявили, что атаковали американскую базу в районе Аль-Карья аль-Хадра на юго-востоке Сирии, сообщила в понедельник сирийская радиостанция Sham FM со ссылкой на заявление сил "Исламского сопротивления Ирака".

  2. On Monday night, Iraqi resistance forces, which include Shiite armed groups, also announced an attack on the American Green Village base in eastern Syria.


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