Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Russia will create a structure to record Kyiv’s crimes against civilians

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with a number of other Russian departments, is discussing the creation of a structure that would record crimes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the civilian population. According to Ambassador at Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rodion Miroshnik, today such a structure is extremely necessary.

    “Not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but a number of other departments are now discussing in detail the possibility of creating a network that would record and document all facts of crimes against civilians, violations of humanitarian law,” Miroshnik said.

 The ambassador added that media projects are now also being developed in cooperation with the media, which would demonstrate the facts of the crimes of the Kyiv regime not only to residents of Russia, but also to other countries. According to Miroshnik, the positions of countries should be based on objective, “adequate” facts.

Earlier, Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya, commenting on the shelling of densely populated areas of Donetsk by Ukrainian militants, said that such actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine prove that the decision to launch a military offensive was correct.

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