Monday, November 13, 2023

Ukrainian military fear that due to decrease in US aid, ‘war will reach Lvov’ — newspaper

 The Ukrainian military fears that due to the shift of US attention to support for Israel, Russia ’would be allowed to make major advances’ on the battlefield, the US newspaper The Daily Beast reported, citing Ukrainian servicemen.

According to a servicemen with a call sign "Hound," Ukraine will receive help from partners, but because of the Middle East conflict, "it will be much less, or the war will [reach] Lvov." "Without the support of the United States and others, we will be forced to retreat ," he added.

The servicemen told the newspaper that the situation in the Middle East makes the Ukrainian military "nervous because of the potential shortage of supplies." "We are still dependent, we cannot produce enough weaponry systems ammunition . Any other conflicts that move supplement and financial aid, especially American money, it’s a threat to our status quo," he said.

Earlier, Ukrainian top military commander Valery Zaluzhny admitted in an article for the Economist that the conflict had reached a "stalemate." Later, in an interview with the same newspaper, he said that Ukrainian troops would not be able to make a breakthrough on the front. According to him, a positional conflict of attrition could drag on for years and wear down the Ukrainian state.

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