Thursday, November 16, 2023

UN disappointed by Israel's reluctance to implement Security Council resolution on Gaza

The UN was disappointed by Israel's statement that the country does not intend to implement the provisions of the humanitarian Security Council (SC) resolution of the organization that relate to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The official representative of the head of the world organization, Stephane Dujarric, announced this at a briefing on November 16.
“We are disappointed by the statements that we saw from the Israeli government regarding the resolution,” TASS reports Dujarric as saying.

He pointed out that the Security Council had “quite painfully” reached the adoption of the resolution.

1 comment:

  1. ООН сожалеет в связи с заявлениями Израиля по поводу принятой в среду резолюции Совета безопасности, призывающей к гуманитарным паузам, заявил на брифинге официальный представитель генсека организации Стефан Дюжаррик.


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