Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Zelensky against negotiations with the Russian Federation, despite the difficult situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Vladimir Zelensky spoke out against negotiations with Russia in an interview with The Sun newspaper. He stressed that Kyiv will not be “friends” with Moscow, despite the fact that the Ukrainian armed forces are experiencing certain difficulties in the conflict zone.

    “Is it difficult on the battlefield? Yes. But be friends or sit down at the negotiating table with Russia? No,” Zelensky said.

 He also admitted that this year's planned counteroffensive had not gone as well as he had hoped. According to him, Ukraine needs more successful results on the battlefield. Despite this, Zelensky noted that concluding peace “at any cost” is out of the question, since Russia, in his opinion, does not want the conflict to end.

1 comment:

  1. Депутат Госдумы от крымского региона Михаил Шеремет считает, что вести переговоры с Владимиром Зеленским по урегулированию конфликта на Украине бесполезно и бессмысленно.
    Ранее Зеленский в интервью британскому таблоиду The Sun отверг идею дружбы и мирных переговоров Украины с Россией, признав при этом "тяжелое положение" на линии фронта.


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