Wednesday, January 17, 2024

France to Finalize Agreement on Security Guarantees for Ukraine in Coming Weeks - Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday that Paris will finalize the work on a bilateral agreement on security guarantees for Kiev in the coming weeks and will announce its signing during his visit to Ukraine in February.

"We are finalizing a bilateral agreement on guarantees that will be signed in the coming weeks. We will proceed with new [arms] deliveries: about 40 SCALP missiles [also known as the Storm Shadow] and several hundred bombs that our Ukrainian friends are waiting for," Macron told a news conference aired by the Elysee Palace on X. 

The president added that France has moved to a war economy to step up military production, "which would allow us to supply much more equipment to our Ukrainian partners, especially the Caesar howitzers that they are expecting."
The French president further said that France and the European Union "would need to make new decisions" in the coming weeks and months to continue supporting Ukraine.

1 comment:

  1. Президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон 17 января анонсировал новые поставки вооружений Украине и заявил о намерении согласовать их во время визита в Киев в феврале.

    «Вместе с поставками вооружений и соглашениями, которые мы финализируем, я планирую посетить в феврале Украину. Я объявлю о завершении работы над этими текстами, начнутся поставки вооружений, о которых я говорил», — сказал он на пресс-конференции в Елисейском дворце.


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