Tuesday, January 16, 2024

IRGC attack US consulate in Iraq 4 people were killed

The American consulate in Erbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq was attacked Monday evening by drones belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), according to a report on Al Jazeera.

The IRGC took responsibility for the attack in northern Iraq announcing that they had attacked an "intelligence headquarters and gathering place of anti-Iranian terrorist organizations in response to the latest terrorist crimes against Iran's enemies."

 Four people were killed in the IRGC attack on Erbil in northern Iraq, ABC reported citing its sources.

According to the report, no US or Coalition servicemen were injured. Coalition forces managed to down three drones near the airport of Erbil, the sources say.

Previously, IRNA reported citing the IRGC statement that the Iranian military attacked a gathering location of anti-Iranian groups in Erbil.

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