Monday, January 15, 2024

Nauru cuts diplomatic ties to Taiwan, switches to China

Taiwan has lost one of its few remaining diplomatic allies - the tiny Pacific island nation of Nauru - to China, just days after it elected a new president.

China claims Taiwan as its own territory with no right to state-to-state ties, a position Taiwan strongly disputes.

Taiwan security officials told Reuters before Saturday's election that China was likely to continue to whittle away at the handful of countries that maintain formal diplomatic ties with Taipei.

1 comment:

  1. One of Taiwan's last diplomatic allies has cut ties with the island in favour of Beijing, just days after a new president was voted in in Taipei.

    Nauru, a tiny Micronesian island, was just one of 12 countries that kept diplomatic ties with Taipei.

    But in recent years, Beijing - which insists Taiwan is part of China - has been poaching its diplomatic allies.

    Taiwan suggests this latest loss is related to the weekend's election results, which angered China.


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