Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Strikes on Pakistan Were Aimed at An Iranian Terrorist Group:Iranian FM

The retaliatory missile and drone strikes on Pakistani soil on Tuesday night have not harmed any Pakistani nationals, but have targeted the elements of an Iranian terrorist group, known as Jaish al-Adl, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said.

Speaking with CNN's Fareed Zakaria at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2024 in Switzerland’s Davos on Wednesday, the Iranian foreign minister expounded on the missile and drone strikes that Iran launched against two key strongholds of the Jaish al-Adl (known in Iran as Jaish al-Dhulm) terrorist group inside Pakistan on Tuesday.

He underlined that no Pakistani citizen has been targeted in the raid against the terrorists.

The attack was aimed at the Jaish al-Adl terrorist group, an Iranian group that has taken shelter in Pakistan, he added.


  •  Pakistan has decided to recall its ambassador from Tehran over the recent missile strikes by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard on targets in Pakistan's Balochistan province.

"Last night's unprovoked and blatant breach of Pakistan's sovereignty by Iran is a violation of international law and the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations," Pakistan's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said. "This illegal act is totally unacceptable and has no justification whatsoever. Pakistan reserves the right to respond to this illegal act. The responsibility for the consequences will fall solely on Iran."

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