Monday, January 15, 2024

Turkish military does not plan to leave the regions in northern Iraq and Syria - Reports

Turkey is not going to leave its base regions in northern Iraq and Syria, where it is fighting the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), banned in the country, the Hurriyet newspaper wrote on Monday.

The Turkish Air Force is conducting air operations in northern Iraq and Syria after the death of nine soldiers in an attack by PKK militants. The Hürrıyet newspaper, citing sources, reported that the United States has recently supplied PKK militants with weapons, ammunition and intelligence information, and a “war of attrition” is being waged against Ankara.

 “The plan to eliminate terrorism at its roots, which was successfully implemented against the PKK and Daesh (Arabic acronym for ISIS, an organization banned in the Russian Federation), will continue to be updated and implemented. The strategy for eliminating terrorism of the PKK and Daesh outside our borders will be strengthened and continued. "There is no such thing as giving up our temporary base areas. The PKK wants Turkey to give up these base areas. It is believed that giving up the base areas will be beneficial to the PKK," the publication writes.

1 comment:

  1. Unmanned aerial vehicles from Turkey’s air force have delivered strikes near the city of Qamishli in Al-Hasakah Governorate in northeastern Syria, killing three Syrian servicemen, Al Hadath reported.

    Earlier, Turkish drones attacked several facilities in the governorate, including three electric substations and an oil depot in Rumeylan.

    In 2023, Turkish aviation carried out 108 attacks on ground targets in Kurdish-controlled territory in Syria’s north and northeast. As a result, 86 people were killed, including 65 militants from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) coalition, three staffers of the autonomous administration and 18 civilians, while 97 individuals sustained wounds.


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