Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Azerbaijani shelling kills two Armenian service members, Yerevan says

Two Armenian service members have reportedly been killed in the Azerbaijani military’s shelling in the Syunik Region, the Armenian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

"According to preliminary reports, a shelling attack by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces has killed two people and left several more wounded in Armenia. The Defense Ministry will later provide additional information," the statement reads.

1 comment:

  1. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported shelling of its forces from Armenia on the two countries’ border in the vicinity of Tovuz.

    "At 8:50 p.m. and 11:40 p.m. (4:50 p.m. and 7:40 p.m. GMT - TASS) on February 12, units of the Armenian Armed Forces attacked positions of the Azerbaijani Army from near Chinarly toward the settlement of Kokhanabi in the Tovuz district," the Azerbaijani ministry said in a statement.

    On Monday, Azerbaijan’s State Border Service reported that its troops had been attacked by Armenian forces in the Zangilan direction. An Azerbaijani border guard was wounded in the attack.


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