Saturday, February 24, 2024

Pentagon Probing Over 50 Cases of 'Theft, Fraud or Corruption' Linked to Ukraine Aid

US officials failed to properly track over $1 billion worth of American weapons sent to Ukraine, a report by the Pentagon’s inspector general revealed in January. 

This echoed last year’s admission by the Department of Defense's Office of the Inspector General that it was facing “challenges” monitoring US military equipment being funneled to Kiev.

Criminal investigators in the US have opened over 50 cases related to Ukraine aid amid a growing chorus of concerns over insufficient oversight and potential for misuse.

Investigations are looking into possible “procurement fraud, product substitution, theft, fraud or corruption, and diversion,” according to Pentagon Inspector General Robert Storch.

Most of these cases - some involving contractors - are still underway, but already “stresses and gaps” have been laid bare by the auditors, the inspector general told a briefing during the week, adding:

“We have not substantiated any such allegations, though that may well change in the future.”
According to the official, “given the quantity and speed” of equipment being sent to Ukraine, one may anticipate more investigations into abuse or diversions.

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