Saturday, February 10, 2024

Russia says foiled drone attack on civilian cargo ships in Black Sea

Russia said on Saturday it had repelled a Ukrainian drone attack on Russian "civilian transport ships" on Friday evening in the southwestern area of the Black Sea, a key artery for grain and oil exports from both countries.

In a statement posted on the Telegram messaging app, Russia's defense ministry said one Ukrainian naval drone involved in the attack had been destroyed and the rest disabled by artillery fire or electronic warfare. 

No Russian civilian or military vessels were damaged, it said.

 "On the evening of February 9, 2024, the Kiev regime attempted to carry out a terrorist attack on Russian civilian cargo ships in the southwestern Black Sea, using unmanned semi-submersible vehicles. The Russian Navy’s patrol ships and aircraft, which were on a mission in that area, were engaged to repel this attack. One unmanned surface vehicle was destroyed with artillery fire. The remaining were jammed with electronic warfare," the ministry said.

1 comment:

  1. Вечером 9 февраля Киев осуществил попытку террористической атаки на российские гражданские транспортные суда в юго-западном районе Черного моря с применением полупогружных безэкипажных катеров. Об этом сообщили в Министерстве обороны России.

    Как уточнили в оборонном ведомстве, для отражения нападения были задействованы патрульные корабли и авиация Военно-морского флота РФ, которые выполняли задачи в данном районе.


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