Saturday, February 17, 2024

Russian air defense forces shot down 33 Ukrainian drones over five regions of the Russia

The Russian Ministry of Defense noted that enemy UAVs were shot down over Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Bryansk and Kaluga. regions.

 Russian air defenses downed two attack drones approaching the Russian southern city of Voronezh, Governor Alexander Gusev said on Saturday.

"On-duty air defense force units detected and destroyed two fixed-wing drones over the region," Gusev stated on his Telegram channel.

 Russian air defenses downed five fixed-wing drones in the airspace over Russia’s Bryansk Region, Governor Alexander Bogomaz stated on his Telegram channel on Saturday.

"Russian air defenses destroyed five fixed-wing drones in the airspace over the areas of the Pogarsky, Klintsovsky and Bryansk districts," Bogomaz said.

1 comment:

  1. Силы ПВО за ночь перехватили и уничтожили 33 украинских беспилотника над Калужской, Воронежской, Брянской, Белгородской и Курской областями. Об этом сообщает Минобороны РФ 17 февраля.

    «Дежурными средствами ПВО перехвачено и уничтожено над территориями Белгородской (4 БпЛА), Воронежской (4 БпЛА), Курской (1 БпЛА), Брянской (18 БпЛА) и Калужской (6 БпЛА) областей», — говорится в сообщении, размещенном в Telegram-канале ведомства.


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