Monday, February 19, 2024

UK vessel Rubymar at risk of sinking following Houthi strike

Yemen-based Houthi rebels from the Ansar Allah movement have attacked the UK vessel Rubymar in the Gulf of Aden with the ship sustaining serious damage and being at the risk of sinking, a statement by the rebels said.

"Yemen’s navy  has carried out a military operation, striking the UK vessel Rubymar in the Gulf of Aden with several seaborne projectiles," the movement’s military spokesman, Yahya Sarea, said on his Telegram channel. The rebels claim that the vessel sustained "serious damage" and "is at the risk of sinking in the Gulf of Aden." "During the operation, we made sure that the crew left the vessel safely," the Houthis noted.


  1. The crew of a commercial vessel in the Gulf of Aden abandoned ship after an attack claimed by Yemen's rebel Houthi movement, authorities say.

    A Houthi military spokesman said the Belize-flagged, British-registered cargo ship Rubymar was at risk of sinking after being hit by missiles.

    The UK Maritime Trade Operations agency said an unnamed ship was abandoned off Yemen after being damaged by a blast.

  2. В Аденском заливе затонуло британское судно Rubymar, получившее сильные повреждения после атаки йеменских хуситов. Об этом сообщает Радио Sputnik.

    Ранее корабль атаковали ВМС Йемена. По нему выпустили несколько противокорабельных ракет. Экипаж судна успел эвакуироваться.


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