Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ukraine’s attempt to win foothold on Dnieper left bank doomed to failure

 Ukraine’s attempt to win a foothold on the Dnieper left bank are doomed to failure and will only entail more losses among Ukrainian troops, governor of the Kherson Region Vladimir Saldo told TASS.

"Any attempt [by Ukrainian troops] to reach the [Dnieper] left bank is doomed to failure and will entail extra casualties. I believe that the [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky regime, which is doing this on the orders from somewhere outside not reckoning with people’s lives, must be held responsible to these casualties," he said, adding that Zelensky himself understands that Ukrainian troops will not be able to achieve any successes on the left bank. 

People are being sent to die in a bid to receive more resources and funding from abroad in his selfish interests, Saldo noted.

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