Sunday, March 31, 2024

An energy facility caught fire after explosions in the Odessa region

A fire occurred at an energy facility in the Odessa region in southern Ukraine after explosions; several settlements were de-energized, the southern defense forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported on the Telegram channel.

On Sunday night, an air raid alert was announced in the Odessa region.

 “There was a fire at one of the energy facilities in the region, which resulted in a blackout in several settlements,” says a statement published by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. What object we are talking about is not specified.


  1. Пять взрывов произошли в Стрые Львовской области на западе Украины. Об этом сообщило украинское издание "Страна".

  2. Пожар произошёл на энергообъекте в Одесской области после взрывов, обесточено несколько населённых пунктов, заявили в ВСУ.


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