Friday, March 8, 2024

Medvedev calls Biden a US’ disgrace - TASS

US President Joe Biden should not have mentioned his predecessor Franklin Delano Roosevelt, because, unlike Roosevelt, he only disgraces the US, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said, commenting on the State of the Union address.

"In the State of the Union address, Biden compared himself with Franklin Delano Roosevelt. That’s a so-so comparison. Obviously, not in his favour," Medvedev said on his X page. " He is the United States’ disgrace!"

Medvedev pointed out that, even though the 32nd US President was an infirm man in a wheelchair, "he raised America from the Depression," while Biden is a "mad, mentally disabled individual who set his mind on dragging humanity to hell."

In addition, the official continued, Roosevelt fought for peace together with allies, including the USSR, while "Biden is actively and persistently trying to start WWIII."

Finally, Roosevelt "was fighting against fascists, but Biden is fighting for them," Medvedev concluded.

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