Sunday, March 17, 2024

Multiple drone and s-200 attacks repelled, says Russia

Russia's defence ministry says its forces have destroyed dozens of drones in eight regions across the country.

The biggest attack happened in the southern Russian region of Krasnodar, where an oil refinery was attacked.

No deaths were reported as a result of the fire at the refinery in Slavyansk-on-Kuban, which has been extinguished. 

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, drones were downed over Moscow (4), Belgorod (3), Kaluga (2), Oryol (1), Rostov (1), Yaroslavl (4), Kursk (3) and Krasnodar (16) regions.

Russian air defenses downed a S-200 ballistic missile over the Bryansk Region, Governor Alexander Bogomaz reported.


  1. The Russian air defense intercepted and destroyed 35 Ukrainian drones over the Moscow, Belgorod, Kaluga, Oryol, Rostov, Yaroslavl and Kursk regions, as well as Krasnodar Territory, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.
    "During the past night and the morning of March 17, attempts by the Kiev regime to carry out terrorist attacks using fixed-wing drones against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation were prevented," the ministry said, adding that 35 drones were intercepted and destroyed.

  2. Утром 17 марта киевский режим совершил очередную попытку обстрела Белгородскую область с помощью систем залпового огня. Удар был отражен системами противовоздушной обороны. Об этом сообщили в Министерстве обороны РФ.

    Противник около 8 утра по московскому времени запустил девять снарядов РСЗО Vampire и трм снаряда РСЗО «Ураган». Все снаряды были уничтожены системами ПВО.

    Ранее киевский режим попытался совершить теракт в Белгородской области, запустив 15 ракет РСЗО Vampire. В они были уничтожены системами ПВО.


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