Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Putin resumes ‘sabre-rattling’ with warning Russia ready for nuclear war

President Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia is “ready” to use nuclear weapons if there is a threat to its statehood.

In a recorded interview broadcast by Russian media on Wednesday, the Kremlin chief said his country is ready for a nuclear war from a “military-technical” point of view. His comments signal a resumption of nuclear “sabre-rattling“, as it was branded a year ago, just ahead of this weekend’s presidential election.

1 comment:

  1. There has not yet been any need to use tactical nuclear weapons as part of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Rossiya Segodnya Director General Dmitry Kiselev for the Rossiya 1 broadcaster and Ria Novosti.

    "Why should we use weapons of mass destruction? There has never been such a need," Putin said.

    When asked whether such an idea ever occurred to him, Putin replied, "No, but why?"


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