Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Russia Deems US Position on Probe Into Crocus Terrorist Attack as 'Biased' - Foreign Ministry

Russia considers the position of the United States on the investigation into the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow as "biased," Washington is trying to "put Ukraine out of harm's way," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

On Tuesday, Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Director Alexander Bortnikov said the first information received from suspects in the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack proved a Ukrainian trace. He added that, while radical Islamists had prepared the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall, the Ukrainian special forces were involved. The Western intelligence and Ukraine needed the attack to create panic in Russian society, Bortnikov also said, adding that the mastermind behind the terrorist attack has not been identified yet. 

"They exposed themselves. They also started screaming, not calling for an investigation, but began to put Ukraine out of harm's way. Their bias and involvement in this story are obvious. If it had not been there, the first statements would have been what they should have been, namely about the need for investigation, probe, presentation of facts," Zakharova stressed.

1 comment:

  1. В МИД России прокомментировали позицию США по расследованию теракта в «Крокус Сити Холле». По мнению официального представителя ведомства Марии Захаровой, ангажированность Вашингтона в этом вопросе стала очевидна, когда он попытался «вывести из-под удара» Украину.

    «Они сами себя разоблачили. Они же начали кричать, не призывая к расследованию, а начали выводить из-под удара Украину. Очевидна их ангажированность и вовлеченность в эту историю», - сообщила она, ее слова приводит РИА Новости.


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