Monday, March 25, 2024

Russia Sends Demarche to US Over Extension of Continental Shelf

Russia has sent a demarche to the United States over its decision to unilaterally extend its continental shelf, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

In December 2023, the US authorities released official coordinates of the extended continental shelf (ECS) beyond 200 nautical miles from the coast in the Arctic, Atlantic (east coast), Bering Sea, Pacific (west coast), Mariana Islands, and two areas in the Gulf of Mexico. 

According to the ministry, Russia said that it does not recognized the changes in the US ECS during an ongoing session of the International Seabed Authority in Jamaica.

"The US's unilateral steps do not comply with the rules and procedures established by international law … A corresponding demarche was sent to the American side via a bilateral line in past," the ministry said.

1 comment:

  1. Москва не признает объявленные Вашингтоном в декабре 2023 года внешние границы континентального шельфа за пределами 200 морских миль от исходных линий. О соответствующем решении российская сторона объявила в ходе сессии Совета Международного органа по морскому дну, которая проходит в эти дни в столице Ямайки - Кингстоне.


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