Monday, March 25, 2024

Russian Envoy to Poland Skips Meeting on 'Missile Incident' Citing Insufficient Evidence

 Russian Ambassador to Poland Sergey Andreev on Monday had skipped a meeting at the Polish Foreign Ministry over a "missile incident" because Warsaw failed to present any evidence on the issue.

On Sunday, the Polish armed forces operational command said that a Russian cruise missile had breached the country's airspace overnight near the village of Oserdow close to the Ukraine border, and remain in flight there for 39 seconds. 

"This morning I was invited to the Polish Foreign Ministry to meet with one of the deputy ministers. When asked about the topic of the conversation, I was told that it was related to yesterday's incident, when an alleged Russian cruise missile was in Polish airspace for 39 seconds, and then flew away somewhere. In response, I asked if the Polish side intends to provide us with any evidence of these allegations," the ambassador said, adding that he did not receive an answer from the Polish side, so he decided not to attend the meeting. 

Russian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Poland Sergey Andreyev did not appear at the Polish Foreign Ministry, Polish diplomatic service’s spokesman Pawel Wronski said.

"The Russian ambassador did not arrive at the Foreign Ministry," he said.

1 comment:

  1. Посол России в Польше Сергей Андреев решил не посещать МИД Польши, куда его пригласили по "ракетному инциденту", заявил дипломат .

    "Я посчитал, что беседовать на эту тему без предъявления доказательной базы не имеет смысла, и от визита в МИД Польши отказался", — сказал он.


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