Saturday, April 13, 2024

Death toll in Ukrainian attack on Tokmak in Zaporozhye Region rises to 8

 The death toll in Friday’s Ukrainian attack on the town of Tokmak in the Zaporozhye Region has risen to eight after two more bodies were recovered from the debris of an apartment block there, Governor Yevgeny Balitsky said.

Earlier, Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the We Are Together with Russia movement, said that six people had been killed in the attack with at least 20 others being injured.

"Another two bodies were recovered from the debris last night. At present, the death toll amounts to eight, including two children," Balitsky wrote on his Telegram channel.

 Ukrainian forces have attacked Lugansk, presumably firing two Storm Shadow missiles, a law enforcement officer in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) told TASS.

"According to preliminary data, Ukrainian troops fired two Storm Shadow missiles on Lugansk," the officer said.

Earlier on Saturday, a TASS reporter said that explosions had been heard in a Lugansk neighborhood and that several apartment buildings were damaged. Emergency services are working at the scene.

Today’s attack has been the first on the city since May 2023.

1 comment:

  1. Число погибших в результате удара Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) возросло до 10. Об этом 13 апреля сообщил губернатор Запорожской области Евгений Балицкий.

    «Спасатели извлекли из-под завалов тела взрослого и ребенка. Два человека числятся пропавшими без вести», — уточнил он в своем Telegram-канале.

    Балицкий дополнил, что работы по разбору завалов и поиску людей продолжаются.


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