Friday, April 5, 2024

Iran plans to launch a massive attack on Israel in the coming days

According to CBS News, Israel and the United States believe Iran is seeking revenge for Israel's bombing of the Syrian consulate and is planning a retaliatory attack that would include a swarm of drones combined with ballistic and cruise missiles.

The attack is likely to occur between now and the end of Ramadan next week, the newspaper notes. 

Another key unknown is whether the drones and missiles will be launched from Iraq or Syria, which could give rise to Tehran's weak denial claims, or from Iranian territory.

Earlier, according to Voxnews, the CIA warned Israel to expect a military response from Iran within 48 hours. 

Earlier, senior Iranian officials responded to the Israeli strike that killed the top IRGC commander in Syria by saying their country already had every right to respond to Israel's attack on their consulate.


  1. США получили разведданные о том, что Иран планирует ответную атаку, которая будет включать в себя рой барражирующих беспилотников «Шахид» и крылатые ракеты.

    Официальные лица говорят, что время и цель неизвестны, но пропорциональным ответом на атаку в Дамаске будет удар по израильскому дипломатическому объекту.

    Вероятно, нападение произойдет между настоящим моментом и концом Рамадана на следующей неделе.

  2. L'Iran ha messo tutte le sue forze armate in stato di massima allerta ed è stato deciso che questa volta l'Iran dovrà rispondere direttamente per creare un deterrente, secondo due funzionari iraniani.

    Le forze militari statunitensi nella regione sono state messe in stato di massima allerta — NYT.


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