Thursday, April 18, 2024

Iran to Reconsider Nuclear Policies if Israel Threatens Nuclear Facilities, to attack Israel's "nuclear centers"

Commander of the IRGC's Nuclear Facilities Protection and Security Command Brigadier General Ahmad Haqtalab warned of potential revisions to Iran's nuclear policies if Israel continues to threaten attacks on its nuclear sites.

"If Israel attempts to use the threat of attacking nuclear facilities to put pressure on Iran, a revision of the nuclear doctrine and a departure from the previously announced considerations is likely," stated the commander.

Haghtalab highlighted Israel's history of sabotage and terrorist acts against Iran's nuclear industry alongside its ongoing threats.

"Although according to international protocols and standards and the regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency, all countries are advised to refrain from attacking nuclear facilities, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been prepared to confront these threats from the beginning," he asserted.

 Tehran has identified the location of Israel's "nuclear centers" and will be ready to destroy them in case the Jewish state responds to the recent Iranian attack on Israeli military facilities, General Ahmad Haqtalab, the commander of the nuclear defense and security unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, the elite units of Iran's Armed Forces), has said.

"The location of the nuclear centers of the Zionist enemy (Israel) has been determined and we have at our disposal the necessary information about all the targets. In response to any hypothetical actions they may take we will be ready to launch powerful missiles to destroy these targets," the ISNA news agency quoted General Haqtalab as saying.


  1. L'Iran minaccia di attaccare i siti nucleari israeliani in caso di "aggressione" da parte dello Stato ebraico.

    Lo annunciano i pasdaran, secondo quanto riferisce la Tass. "Teheran riconsidererà la sua politica nucleare se Israele minaccerà gli impianti nucleari iraniani". E' quanto afferma il corpo delle Guardie della Rivoluzione islamica,

    I funzionari israeliani hanno mal calcolato la gravità della risposta iraniana all'attacco del primo aprile al consolato di Teheran a Damasco - scrive il New York Times - in cui sono rimasti uccisi diversi comandanti delle Guardie della Rivoluzione islamica. "Gli israeliani hanno fatto male i calcoli, pensando che l'Iran non avrebbe reagito con forza", si legge nel documento che cita diverse fonti americane. Il giornale afferma che i funzionari Usa si sono arrabbiati per essere stati informati solo pochi minuti prima dell'attacco a Damasco, mentre due fonti israeliane hanno dichiarato al Nyt che i piani sono iniziati due mesi prima.

  2. Irán puede revisar su "doctrina nuclear" ante amenazas de Israel

    Irán amplía sus advertencias y aumenta las preocupaciones sobre la posible extensión de un conflicto en Medio Oriente.

    El comandante de la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní y encargado de la seguridad atómica del país, el comandante Ahmad Haghtalab, aseguró este jueves 18 de abril que Teherán podría revisar su “doctrina nuclear”.

  3. Sollte das israelische Militär iranische nukleare Einrichtungen attackieren, werde Iran angemessen darauf reagieren, verkündete ein hochrangiger Offizier der iranischen Revolutionsgarde (IRGC). Teheran sollen Daten über alle israelischen Nuklearanlagen vorliegen.

    Brigadegeneral Ahmed Haq Talab, ein Offizier im Korps der Islamischen Revolutionsgarde (IRGC), stellte eine spiegelbildliche Antwort in Aussicht, wenn das israelische Militär iranische Atomanlagen sowie Zentren angreifen sollte. Dies berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur Tasnim. Hierzu wird der Kommandeur der Einheiten, die für den Schutz der Nuklearanlagen verantwortlich sind, wie folgt zitiert:

    "Dank passiver Verteidigungspläne sowie modernster Waffen und Einrichtungen, dank der Streuung der Atomanlagen über das ganze Land sind wir bereit, uns jeder Bedrohung für unsere Nuklearanlagen durch Israel zu stellen."

    Ferner habe der Brigadegeneral betont, dass die IRGC die Standorte aller atomaren Einrichtungen in Israel identifiziert habe und bereit sei, unverzüglich diese Ziele anzugreifen.


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