Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Iran Urges Israel’s Allies to End Support for Desperate Tel Aviv Regime

A senior spokesman of the Iranian Armed Forces warned Israel and its supporters to avoid from taking new measures against Iran, saying the Israeli regime is now helpless and desperate.

“We remind leaders of the US, Britain, France and Germany to stop supporting the declining, corrupt, law-breaking, terrorist and child-killing Israeli regime,” Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi said.

He underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran has proven that it is not a belligerent state and does not seek to expand the war.

Shekarchi at the same time warned Israeli supporters that if any of them take a hostile measure, Tehran will show a response stronger that its previous reaction to the aggressive regime of Israel.

Pointing to Iran’s recent missile and drone attack against Israel and its ability to penetrate into Israeli so called Iron Dome air defense system, the spokesman urged supporters of Israeli to end condemning Iran’s legitimate and legal action and avoid supporting the desperate, foolish and helpless regime.

He also asked Israel’s supporters to avoid entering such a burning fire by their support for the illegitimate regime of Israel.

In the early hours of Sunday, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force launched tens of missiles and drones in retaliation for the Israeli regime’s April 1 airstrike that killed seven Iranian military commanders and advisers in Syria.

The IRGC commander said authentic reports about the Iranian missiles that have hit the Israeli targets indicate that the retaliatory operation has been considerably more successful than expected.

1 comment:

  1. Israelis awaited word on how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would respond to Iran's first-ever direct attack as international pressure for restraint grew amid fears of an escalation of the conflict in the Middle East.

    Mr Netanyahu summoned his war cabinet for the second time in less than 24 hours to consider a response to Iran's weekend missile and drone attack, a government source said.

    Military Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi said Israel would respond. He provided no details.


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