Monday, April 15, 2024

Macron says Paris Olympics opening ceremony could be moved

French President Emmanuel Macron says the Paris Olympics opening ceremony could move from the River Seine if the security risk is too high.

Mr Macron said it could be "limited to the Trocadéro", across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower, instead of covering the planned stretch of the river.

He added that it could even be moved to the Stade de France, reverting to a traditional ceremony.

The opening ceremony is set to be the first to be held outside a stadium.

More than 10,000 athletes are expected to sail along a 6km stretch of the Seine on some 160 barges.

The organisers had originally planned to accommodate some 600,000 people to watch the ceremony from riverbanks, but that has now been scaled down to 300,000 people.

1 comment:

  1. Emmanuel Macron s'est exprimé lundi sur la sécurité autour de la cérémonie d'ouverture des JO Paris 2024 sur la Seine, esquissant pour la première fois des "plans B et C" en cas de menace terroriste. L'ouverture des Jeux pourrait, d'abord, être "limitée" à une partie du fleuve qui traverse la capitale, et si nécessaire elle pourrait finalement se dérouler au Stade de France.


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