Thursday, April 11, 2024

Power outages will begin in Kyiv after the attack on thermal power plants, an expert said

The destruction of the Trypilska Thermal Power Plant in the Kyiv region reduces the flexibility of Ukraine’s energy balance and will entail interruptions in energy supply or the introduction of strict electricity supply schedules in the eastern part of the country, as well as in Kyiv, National Energy Security Fund analyst Igor Yushkov told RIA Novosti.

The Ukrainian company Centerenergo reported that as a result of a morning attack by the Russian Federation on Thursday, the Trypilska Thermal Power Plant in the Kyiv region was completely destroyed. According to the expert, the station was actually the main generation facility in the Kiev energy hub, and it was largely through it that Kyiv was supplied with electricity.

 “This does not mean that Kyiv will now be completely without electricity. This means that electricity supply schedules can be introduced there,” the expert believes.

Yushkov believes that “from the point of view of lack of electricity or strict electricity supply schedules,” the eastern part of Ukraine will suffer the most. “This will affect the East of Ukraine most of all - the Kharkov region, Sumy region, Zaporozhye, right up to Odessa,” he notes.

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