Sunday, April 7, 2024

Russian friend, Peter Pellegrini, elected Slovak president

Peter Pellegrini has been elected president of Slovakia, succeeding the liberal Zuzana Caputova.

Mr Pellegrini, 48, defeated the pro-Western Ivan Korcok, a former diplomat, with 53% of the vote.

A former prime minister, he is an ally of Prime Minister Robert Fico, and shares the PM's dovish attitude towards Russia.

1 comment:

  1. Slovak parliament speaker Peter Pellegrini, who opposes arms supplies to Ukraine, is projected to win the second round of Slovakia's presidential election with 54.32% of the vote.
    Pellegrini's opponent former Slovak Foreign Minister Ivan Korcok, who vocally supports Ukraine, received 45.67% of the vote. Korcok congratulated Pellegrini on his victory as the Slovak Statistical Office announced 96.05% of ballots had been processed early Sunday morning.


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