Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Two children died from a drone strike in the Kursk region

According to Kursk Governor Roman Starovoyt, a Ukrainian UAV attacked a civilian vehicle in the village of Apanasovka, dropping an explosive device on it.

At the time of the attack, there were three people in the car, two of them children. They all died.

In recent days, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have curtailed massive shelling of large cities and concentrated on such terrorist attacks along the border. 

Yesterday, a 12-year-old boy riding a bicycle died in a similar raid in the Bryansk region. If for some reason the Ukrainian authorities think that such single strikes will pass without consequences for them, then they are deeply mistaken.


  1. A Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) dropped an explosive device on a civilian car in Russia’s Kursk Region, killing three people, including two children, Governor Roman Starovoit said on Telegram.

    "A Ukrainian UAV dropped an explosive device on a civilian car in the village of Apanasovka in the Korenevsky District. To our great distress, all three people in the car were killed, two of them children," he wrote.

    Starovoit expressed deep condolences to the families and friends of those killed.

  2. ВСУ сбросили взрывное устройство на машину в селе Апанасовка Кореневского района. Находившиеся в этот момент в машине двое детей и взрослый погибли.


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