Thursday, April 11, 2024

UK-trained Ukrainian commandos carry out attack on Tendra Spit in Black Sea — FSB

A team of Ukrainian commandos trained by the British Royal Navy carried out an attack on the Tendra Spit in the Kherson Region, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said in a statement.

"The activities of the Special Operations Center of the Ukrainian armed forces’ are supervised by the Special Boat Service (SBS), a special forces unit of the United Kingdom's Royal Navy, which points to the UK’s direct involvement in the conflict," the statement reads.

A captured member of the Ukrainian sabotage group, Yevgeny Gorin, born in 1985, "provided detailed information about receiving training in subversive acts at the base of the 5-RIFLES Armored Infantry Battalion, part of the 20th Armored Brigade Combat Team within 3rd Division, which is also known as The Iron Division and is the only division that remains in constant combat readiness in the United Kingdom (Bulford Camp, Wiltshire)," the FSB added.

"He also testified that the Ukrainian armed forces’ Special Operations Center had carried out an act of sabotage against the MSP 17 drill rig (at the Shtormovoye gas field in the Black Sea), developed by British instructors with the goal of seizing the Russian military’s drone tracking systems,'' the statement said. According to Gorin, after attacking the MSP 17 site, Ukrainian saboteurs failed to find the equipment that the British were interested in and the drilling platform’s communication station was blown up.

"That said, efforts to counter the subversive and reconnaissance activities of foreign intelligence agencies have helped uncover evidence of the direct involvement of British special forces (SBS) in planning actions directed against Russia’s security, as well as in training the actual perpetrators in the UK. The evidence was provided by Yevgeny Gorin, a direct participant in the events," the FSB stressed.


  1. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Defense Ministry have thwarted the landing of the UK-trained Ukrainian sabotage groups on the Tendrovskaya Kosa in the Kherson Region, the FSB’s communications office said on Thursday.
    During the landing attempt, the sabotage groups were destroyed, while one Ukrainian soldier was captured alive, the statement read. According to the FSB, the captured Ukrainian soldier confirmed that the saboteurs were trained in the UK.
    "The Russian FSB and the Russian Defense Ministry have thwarted the landing of thhe sabotage groups of the special forces of the Ukrainian armed forces on the Tendrovskaya Kosa of the Kherson Region, planned by the special services of the UK," the office said in a statement.
    The FSB said that the Special Boat Service (SBS), the UK’s maritime special forces unit, is supervising the activities of the unit in the Ukrainian military behind such operations, "indicates the direct involvement of the United Kingdom in the conflict".
    A captured Ukrainian soldier has said that the UK prepared Ukrainian military for a sabotage targeting the marine station platform 17 drilling rig in the Black Sea, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) added. He also named British military specialits who we masterminding sabotage groups.

  2. Западные спецслужбы, прежде всего британские, готовят украинский спецназ для проведения диверсий, в том числе против кораблей Черноморского флота и инфраструктуры Крыма, заявил анонимный сотрудник ФСБ России на видео, опубликованном ЦОС ФСБ в среду.

    "С начала СВО в ФСБ России регулярно поступает оперативная информация об участии представителей западных спецслужб, в первую очередь британских, в подготовку украинского спецназа. Нами установлена кураторская роль британских спецподразделений SAS, SBS в подавляющим большинстве диверсионно-террористических акций против кораблей Черноморского флота министерства обороны России и инфраструктуры Крымского полуострова", - сказал он.


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