Wednesday, April 17, 2024

US and EU plan more Iran sanctions

The US and its "allies' planned fresh sanctions against Iran over its unprecedented attack on Israel, seeking to dissuade Israel from a major escalation as its war cabinet was set to meet for a third time today to decide a response.

While Saturday night's attack caused no deaths and little damage thanks to the air defences and countermeasures of Israel and its allies, it has increased fears that violence rooted in the six-month-old Gaza war is spreading, with the risk of open war between long-time adversaries Iran and Israel.


  1. Washington will impose additional sanctions against Iran, aimed against Iranian missile and drone development programs, as well as companies that cooperate with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Iranian Defense Ministry, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan announced.

    According to the statement, US President Joe Biden, together with the US’ allies and partners and leaders of both chambers of the US Congress, is developing a "comprehensive response" to the Iranian strike at Israel.

    "In the coming days, the United States will impose new sanctions targeting Iran, including its missile and drone program as well as new sanctions against entities supporting the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iran’s Defense Ministry," the statement reads.

  2. The US House supported the bill making the law that allows US president to impose harsh sanctions against the Iranian economy indefinite.

    The bill was supported by 407 lawmakers, while 16 voted against. Now, the bill must be reviewed by the Senate.

    The bill, introduced in May, 2023, will make the 1996 Iran Sanctions Act (ISA), which expires in 2026, indefinite. The ISA, which has to be repeatedly prolonged by the Congress, allows the US executive power to impose sanctions on the energy sector in a bid to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.


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