Friday, May 17, 2024

Russia warns US, EU, Kiev they are playing with fire — MFA about Ukrainian strikes

In connection with terrorist attacks by the Ukrainian military Moscow warns the US and the EU, as well as Kiev controlled by them, that they are playing with fire, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said in a commentary.

"On May 16 and 17, Kiev's neo-Nazi regime launched another massive attack with fixed-wing drones and uncrewed boats on Crimea, the Krasnodar Region and other Russian regions. <...> Once again, we would like to unequivocally warn Washington, London, Brussels and other Western capitals, as well as Kiev, which is under their control, that they are playing with fire. Russia will not leave such encroachments on its territory unanswered," Zakharova said.

She pointed out that behind these barbaric attacks with Western weapons the silhouettes of US and British handlers of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky's were clearly visible.

"They not only supply him with ever longer-range missiles and heavy weapons, but also give the go-ahead for their use against Russia, thus contributing to the further escalation of the conflict. The Banderovite clique seems to believe in its impunity amid the Western emissaries’ frequent visits to Kiev recently," she pointed out.


  1. Если Запад передаст Киеву дальнобойные ракеты, «санитарная зона» будет где-то на границе с Польшей, заявил Медведев

    1. The required width of ‘buffer zone’ in Ukraine to protect Russia’s territory may reach as far as the Polish border if the West sends Kiev long-range weapons, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel.

      Medvedev recalled President Vladimir Putin’s words about the need to create a ‘buffer zone’ "inside which it will be impossible for the neo-Nazi regime to hit objects on Russian territory."

      "Of course, including all the lands that have returned to our country," Medvedev explained.

      "Once the Kiev regime uses Storm Shadow / SCALP-EG missiles with a range of at least 550 kilometers when the distance between Belgorod and Kiev is 429 kilometers, practically the entire central and most of the western parts of Ukraine fall within this sanitary zone," Medvedev said. "In other words, there must be Russia everywhere (550 kilometers plus 70-100 more to be sure). Otherwise, the security of our cities and villages cannot be ensured."

      "If it goes on like this, the guaranteed sanitary zone will be somewhere at the border with Poland. Or even inside Poland," the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council suggested.

      "All the same, the moronic NATO strategists sincerely want almost the whole of Ukraine to be under Russia’s control," Medvedev added.

    2. Натовские стратеги хотят, чтобы под контролем РФ оказалась практически вся Украина, раз предоставляют Киеву всё более дальнобойное оружие, заявил зампред Совбеза РФ Дмитрий Медведев.
      "Все-таки дебиловатые натовские стратеги искренне хотят, чтобы под контролем России оказалась практически вся Украина. Именно поэтому они дают бандеровской власти всё более дальнобойное оружие", - написал Медведев в своём Telegram-канале.


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