Friday, May 31, 2024

Strikes on Russia with US arms may begin in matter of hours or days — NYT - TASS

 US officials think that first attacks on Russian soil using US weapons may begin in a matter of several hours or days, the New York Times (NYT) reported, citing sources.

Earlier, the Pentagon confirmed that US President Joe Biden’s administration had authorized Ukraine to conduct limited strikes inside Russia with American-made weapons. According to the newspaper, the decision came into effect on Thursday, May 30.

The news outlet noted that the decision to reconsider the policy track with regard to US weapons is related to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Kiev in mid-May, however, talks between the Americans and Ukrainians on the issue were underway for weeks. In particular, on May 13, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Brown discussed this issue in a video conference format with their Ukrainian colleagues and "decided to recommend to the president that he reverse his position." According to the NYT, Biden for the first time allowed for exceptions on May 15 and the final decision was made last week.

The newspaper noted that the leak to the media about the potential lifting of restrictions on the use of the US arms angered the Pentagon. "The formal orders did not get conveyed to the Pentagon until earlier this week," the NYT added. However, only the close circle was aware of the change and at the May 30 briefing, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh continued to convince reporters that there had been no policy change.

The newspaper noted that, having allowed to use US arms for strikes on Russia, "Biden has clearly crossed a red line that he himself drew." An anonymous senior US official told the NYT that the US president’s "restrictions could be subject to further loosening." "This is a new reality," he said, "and perhaps a new era" in the Ukraine conflict...[TASS]


  1. NATO has been throwing dust in the eyes with a false discussion on whether the Ukrainian army can hit Russian territory with Western weapons, because this has been happening all the time, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said.

    In this way she commented on NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg’s remark that Britain supplied to Kiev Storm Shadow missiles without any restrictions and a number of the bloc's countries never limited the use of their weapons on Russian territory.

  2. NATO countries sending weapons to Ukraine to strike Russia is dangerous, as Moscow’s response will be so devastating that it will throw the entire alliance into the conflict, Russia’s Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday.

    "NATO’s leadership wants to pretend that this issue is about sovereign decisions by each individual country and there is no reason yet to apply the rule of the 1949 Collective Defense Treaty," Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel.

    This "individual aid," Medvedev continued, is about "controlling its long-range cruise missiles or sending a contingent of troops to Ukraine. This is a serious escalation of the conflict."

    "These are dangerous and harmful delusions," he noted. "Former Ukraine and its NATO allies will receive a response of such destructive force that the alliance itself will simply not be able to keep itself out of the conflict."

  3. Министр обороны России Андрей Белоусов заявил, что ВС РФ отразили массированную атаку на Крымский мост.

    «Буквально позавчера ночью была самая массированная атака десятью ATACMS на Крымский мост с подлетным временем менее двух минут. Все ракеты были сбиты», - сказал Белоусов на заседании Совета министров обороны ОДКБ в Алма-Ате.

    Андрей Белоусов подчеркнул, что так удалось спасти сотни жизней.

  4. Российское руководство исходит из того, что применяемые Украиной дальнобойные средства поражения напрямую управляются военнослужащими стран НАТО, что означает участие Запада в конфликте против России. Об этом 31 мая заявил зампред Совета безопасности РФ Дмитрий Медведев.

    Он подчеркнул, что западные государства, которые якобы одобрили применение своего оружия повышенной дальности для ударов по России, должны понимать, что их военная техника и специалисты будут уничтожаться на территории Украины и в других странах, если оттуда будут наноситься удары по РФ.

    «Это никакая не «военная помощь», а участие в против нас. И такие их действия вполне могут стать casus belli (поводом для объявления войны. — Ред.)», — написал Медведев в своем Telegram-канале.

  5. Российские защитники после предыдущих атак на Крымский мост сделали соответствующие выводы, и обороняют стратегический объект теперь куда тщательнее, чем раньше, заявил РИА Новости первый зампред комитета Госдумы по обороне Алексей Журавлев (партия "Родина").
    Массированная атака на Крымский мост десятью оперативно-тактическими ракетами ATACMS была отражена позавчера российскими военнослужащими, сообщил министр обороны РФ Андрей Белоусов.

  6. Шольц разрешил Украине использовать переданное Германией оружие для ударов по территории России, сообщает издание Bild со ссылкой на представителя немецкого кабмина.

    При этом немецкий канцлер заявил, что Германия не хочет посылать войска на Украину.

  7. Кремль знает о попытках нанесения ударов по территории России американским оружием, заявил пресс-секретарь президента Дмитрий Песков.

  8. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin discussed security issues and prevention of escalation of the conflict in Ukraine during a phone conversation, the press service reported.

    "In the center of attention of the heads of state were the issues of security and prevention of escalation of the Ukrainian conflict," the statement said.

  9. La Germania autorizza gli ucraini a difendersi "nel rispetto del diritto internazionale" contro gli attacchi che arrivano da immediatamente oltre confine.

    E questo "anche con le armi consegnate", anche quelle tedesche. Lo dice il portavoce del cancelliere Scholz, Steffen Hebestreit, in una nota .

    "Le ucraine e gli ucraini combattono per il loro paese e le loro libertà. Molti paesi del mondo li sostengono in questo, politicamente, economicamente, con aiuti militari e armi. L'obiettivo è liberare il territorio ucraino e abbiamo concordato con l'Ucraina che le armi che forniamo saranno utilizzate in conformità al diritto internazionale", si legge nella nota della cancelleria.


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