Saturday, June 29, 2024

Belarusian military warns of rising tensions on border with Ukraine

Tensions are rising on the Belarus-Ukraine border, Vadim Lukashevich, deputy chief for ideology at the Special Operations Command of the Belarusian Armed Forces, said.

"We have received reports of Ukraine amassing troops, weapons and military equipment along our border. In particular, US-made infantry fighting vehicles, multiple rocket launchers and heavy artillery systems have been deployed to the Zhitomir Region," he pointed out, as cited on the Belarusian Defense Ministry’s Telegram channel.

The Ukrainian army has also deployed electronic surveillance systems near the Belarusian border and is widely using unmanned aerial vehicles, Lukashevich added.


  1. Belarus deployed additional air defense forces on the border with Ukraine to protect critical facilities of the republic amid Ukrainian drone activity, Belarusian military official Andrei Severinchik said on Saturday.
    "The system of visual observation posts has been expanded with the sole purpose of providing information to the firing units of the anti-aircraft missile and air defense forces of the operational commands on combat duty. To this end, air defense forces and means have been additionally deployed to designated areas to cover the southern borders and critical facilities of the Republic of Belarus," Severinchik said.

    1. Белоруссия усилила силы и средства ПВО из-за резкого увеличения числа полетов беспилотников в северной части Украины, которые ведут разведку в приграничных районах Белоруссии, сообщает пресс-служба Минобороны Белоруссии. Принято решении о скоплении сил ПВО в Житомирской области.

      Начальник зенитных ракетных войск ПВО республики Беларусь Андрей Северинчик назвал воздушную обстановку напряженной.


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