Friday, June 21, 2024

China Imposes Sanctions Against Lockheed Martin Over Arms Sale to Taiwan

 China has imposed sanctions against the US military-industrial company Lockheed Martin over the sale of weapons to Taiwan, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

Earlier this week, the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has said that the US State Department has approved a potential $60.2 million sale of Switchblade 300 (SB300) Anti-Personnel and Anti-Armor Loitering Missile Systems and a possible $300 million sale of ALTIUS 600M-V Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Taiwan. 

"China has decided to take countermeasures against the relevant departments and top management of Lockheed Martin," the ministry said, adding that this is due to the fact that the United States recently "re-announced the sale of weapons to the Taiwan region of China," which seriously violates the principle of "one China."

1 comment:

  1. Пекин ввел санкции против военно-промышленной корпорации Lockheed Martin из-за продажи вооружений Тайваню. Об этом сообщили в МИД Китая.

    Отмечается, что Вашингтон в очередной раз нарушил принцип «единого Китая», анонсировав возобновление продажи вооружений тайваньскому региону.

    «Заморозить движимое и недвижимое имущество и другие виды собственности на территории нашей страны компаний Lockheed Martin Missile System Integration Laboratory, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratory, Lockheed Martin Venture Capital Company и других организаций, перечисленных в прилагаемом списке контрмер», - говорится в заявлении.


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