Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Georgian PM says 2014 coup left Ukraine in shambles

The coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014, known as the Maidan, had disastrous consequences for the country, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze told reporters.

"They constantly remind us of the Maidan. Let me remind you all what the Maidan has brought to Ukraine. Then, the Ukrainian authorities were appointed from abroad. At that time, the responsibility for the country was also taken from abroad. However, we all know what has happened in Ukraine after that. Before, Ukraine was a country with territorial integrity, with an economy on the rise. Then, the Ukrainian economy was at almost 200 billion dollars. Now the country is destroyed, the economy is in shambles," Kobakhidze said. 

The politician pointed out that the Georgian authorities will do all they can to make sure there is no Maidan or Ukrainization in Georgia.

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