Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Italy's Meloni Says EU Top Jobs Deal Ignores Voters' Wishes

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Wednesday criticized plans to share out the top jobs in EU institutions, saying they ignored the successes of rightwing parties at this month's European Parliament elections.

Sources said on Tuesday that the three main, broadly centrist European groups - which do not include Meloni's conservatives - had agreed to a deal on the bloc's top posts, which would include picking Germany's Ursula von der Leyen for a second term as head of the EU's executive Commission, Reuters reported.

The deal will be submitted for European Union leaders' approval at a summit in Brussels starting on Thursday. If confirmed, it would represent continuity from the past, with pro-EU factions keeping hold of power despite a surge in support for far-right and eurosceptic parties in the EP elections.

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