Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Kiev better accept Russia's peace proposal or face worse outcomes, will be difficult to say where the lines of the buffer zone will be

Ukraine would be wise to accept Russian President Vladimir Putin's peace proposal, otherwise Russian troops will press on and make life even more difficult for Kiev, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.

"Frankly speaking, I think that the president has said everything, I mean that the next peace proposal Russia makes will be worse for the Ukrainian authorities, no matter how we treat them. Now they have the opportunity to consider Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's peace proposal and at least try to make peace and end this part of the conflict," he told reporters.

Otherwise, according to Medvedev, the Russian offensive will continue. "And it will be difficult to say where the lines of the buffer zone that Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned will be. It's very likely that all this will not work to the benefit of the current Ukrainian authorities. So they have to hurry while they still can," he added.

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